
Sunday, 01 May 2005

About hardware
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bulletBasics of computer hardware:
bulletComputer is a programmable machine (or more precisely, a programmable sequential state machine). There are two basic kinds of computers: analog and digital.
bulletAnalog computers are analog devices. That is, they have continuous states rather than discrete numbered states. An analog computer can represent fractional or irrational values exactly, with no round-off. Analog computers are almost never used outside of experimental settings.
bulletA digital computer is a programmable clocked sequential state machine. A digital computer uses discrete states. A binary digital computer uses two discrete states, such as positive/negative, high/low, on/off, used to represent the binary digits zero and one.



Computers are used for a wide variety of purposes:
bulletData processing is commercial and financial work. This includes such things as billing, shipping and receiving, inventory control, and similar business related functions, as well as the “electronic office”.
bulletScientific processing is using a computer to support science. This can be as simple as gathering and analyzing raw data and as complex as modelling natural phenomenon (weather and climate models, thermodynamics, nuclear engineering, etc.).
bulletMultimedia includes content creation (composing music, performing music, recording music, editing film and video, special effects, animation, illustration, laying out print materials, etc.) and multimedia playback (games, DVDs, instructional materials, etc.).


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This site was last updated 05/01/05